Senior woman looking out into the future

Steps to Adjust to Retirement

Drumroll… It’s Time! After all the planning and excitement, the day has come… but now you may be sitting and pondering what's next.

Here are tips for adjusting to your new retirement lifestyle: 
The Emotions:
Retirement can be a huge adjustment, and feeling a little out of your comfort zone is normal. You may feel uneasy, like it’s a permanent vacation with extra time on your hands, or perhaps you might even feel like this is the last hurrah in your life journey. Take a deep breath, what’s important is to remember that you’re not alone, and allowing yourself to experience your emotions can make it easier for you to adjust to this new lifestyle. Along with taking one day at a time, adding something new into your daily life can help shift your mood. One way to cope with overwhelming emotions is to explore new outlets as an energy release, such as yoga, walking, or writing.
Create Routines:
Structuring your day may seem pointless; you might think, “I’m retired.” I shouldn’t have to stick to any schedule. However, maintaining habits and routines is vital for one’s mental health. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule by waking up and going to bed at the same time each day can help you create a sense of normalcy in your daily routine. Additionally, adding more routines to your daily or weekly schedule, such as taking a daily walk or treating yourself to a latte at your favourite café on Fridays, can help you maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Friends In Different Places:
Leaving a job means leaving behind the work and the social connections built with co-workers, which can be challenging after many years. Your social life doesn’t have to take a back burner. It can be livelier than ever. Try to keep in touch with old friends and colleagues and make new friendships. Establishing new relationships may require effort, but joining community programs, local book clubs, or volunteering at a nearby animal shelter are great ways to meet new people and furry friends!
You Make the Rules:
Perhaps you have realized that you don’t want to retire completely from the workforce. That’s perfectly fine—give yourself the okay to adjust and pivot. For instance, you might want to try working at your favourite golf range or teaching a class on how to crochet. Taking a step back into the workforce or engaging in volunteering activities can positively impact your mental well-being.
Give yourself a Break:
Your retirement plans may not align with your original vision. That’s ok. it’s important to be open to adjusting and going with the flow. For instance, if cooking and reading are not as enjoyable as you thought, give it a break. It may take some time to rediscover what you want to invest your time into. Don’t rush the process; allow yourself to uncover what makes you tick.
Our Solution Providers are available to discuss any aspect of your retirement.